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The attached content is a previous grant application that Kurzweil wrote to get funding for its "Read to Succeed!" program to improve literacy for middle school students. Use this information in this content to respond to a Request for Proposal from the Nora Foundation for Literacy. When doing so, write detailed paragraphs that pertain to each of these questions:

What is the purpose of Kurzweil's Read to Succeed Program?

How does Read to Succeed uniquely and directly benefit one or more of Nora Roberts Foundation's focus areas, which are Literacy, Children, Arts? What would a donation from Nora Roberts Foundation to Read to Succeed! be used for?

MadLibs version

The attached content is a previous grant application that [insert name of organization] wrote to get funding for its [insert name of program] to [insert purpose of program]. Use this information in this content to respond to a Request for Proposal from [insert name of funder or foundation]. When doing so, write detailed paragraphs that pertain to each of these questions:

Use this template to write a proposal using my capabilities for [insert name of funder or foundation].

Write detailed paragraphs that pertain to each of these questions:

What is the organization's purpose?

How does the project or organization uniquely and directly benefit one or more of our focus areas, which are [insert focus areas] What would a donation to your organization be used for?

Using templates on your own material