This prompt is designed to extract insights and generate valuable content for sales enablement by leveraging data from sales growth files such as sales call recordings, transcripts, product descriptions, and competitor product files. It is particularly useful for those in sales leadership roles, helping to refine sales strategies, enhance product positioning, and improve competitive analysis. By focusing on the qualities of a good sales team leader and utilizing effective sales leadership skills, this tool supports the development of impactful sales enablement content.
To achieve the best results, you should upload comprehensive company and product data in a format supported by Storytell. This includes detailed sales call recordings, transcripts, product descriptions, and competitor product files. Customize the madlibs-style prompts by replacing [sales manager 1] with the first sales manager's name, [sales manager 2] with the second sales manager's name, [product name] with the name of the product you're selling, [product] with the product name, [competitor product] with the competitor product's name, [company client] with the client's company name, and [client name] with the specific client's name. Providing detailed and accurately labeled data, along with relevant information in the brackets, will enable the prompt to produce precise, actionable, and tailored content that leverages sales leadership skills and supports your sales enablement objectives.
How does [sales manager1] sell [product name] in comparison to how [sales manager 2]] sells [product name]. Give me the results in a table.
I am a salesperson at [company] and I need to convince [client company name], an [client company field/industry] to buy [product name]. [client company name] is currently evaluating [product name] along side another [product name] called [competitor product name]. How would [Sales Manager] position [product bame] to successfully win the deal?
with name of the product you’re selling[competitor product]
with name of product competitor[product name]
withCreate a table that gives me a side by side comparison of how [product] compares to [competitor product]
[company client]
[client name]
Compose an email to my buyer at [company client], whose name is [client name], detailing how [product] is better than [competitor product]. [client name] is [detail distinct circumstance: e.g "especially cost conscious because [company client] recently had to reduce it's Customer Support's spend budget by 20%], so be sure to emphasize specifics around the cost benefits of [product vs competitor product]